Birdston Regeneration Group has been set up to help regenerate the coup to a safe state.
A link to their website can be found below!
Birdston Regeneration Group (BRG), now registered as a charity, had a very successful public meeting in the village hall on Monday 3rd of July.
Brian McFall chaired the meeting. Speakers from the BRG Morag Campbell and Graham Beastall spoke about the coup and its history of toxic waste and how the BRG charity was formed, its operating and its aims. The group were delighted that Heather Yearwood from Community Land Scotland was able to attend the meeting and provide examples of other projects that have negotiated Community Right to Buy (CRtB). Heather spoke about the Scottish Land Fund and other funding routes that could support the purchase of the coup.
The meeting was interactive and locals had lots of questions and suggestions that have been gratefully noted by BRG. It is important that the community engage in the process of CRtB for it to be successful.
Following the speakers’ interactive activity, stations were set up to allow residents to contribute to the process of making the coup safe. BRG launched its petition for community support which is an essential, early part of the right to buy process. The group will be actively seeking support from the community through its petition and memberships during the summer.
The group were pleased that local councillor Colette McDiarmid and Alex Buist, chair of the Community Council, were able to attend the meeting. Sadly Stuart McDonald MP was unable to attend but has continually given great support and assistance to the group, Stuart was able to confirm he will be catching up with the group very soon.
BRG is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC052301).
Presentation files from the Birdston Coup public meeting, prepared by Birdston Action Group.
SEPA have now withdrawn the exemptions given to the Birdston Coup site for a variety of reasons and at present the site is closed. Members of the Community Council, Greenbelt Group and Birdston residents have come together as Birdston Action Group and are working on plans to make sure it is dealt with properly and made safe.
We are currently fundraising for legal and specialist advice.
We have been advised that the owners of the site are in contact with SEPA and Planning looking to gain permission to restart works at the site.
Milton of Campsie Community Council have been working with Milton of Campsie Greenbelt group and the residents of Birdston to raise awareness of our concern about activity at the old Birdston Coup site.
Issues include:
Permission to carry out soil remediation works
Planning permission
Closure of the public right of way
Site safety for the public
Soil spillage to road and pavement
Use of products / waste on site
Disruption of the historic capping layer containing hazardous substances
to date we have been in contact with:
Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)
East Dunbartonshire Council Planning
EDC Environmental Health
Health and Safety Executive HSE)
EDC Provost and local councillors
EDC Access and Path Development Officer